Famous Last Words: Surviving My Last Semester

I'm currently in my last semester of college and it feels weird. I'm lucky that I don't have a lot of classses, so I'm experiencing a lot of free time in my hands. Surprisingly, I'm still not getting a lot of sleep because I'm either procrastinating or stressing about post-grad life. My classes are pretty interesting so far. I'm taking Molecular Biology, which isn't too bad so far. We're learning about Mendelian Genetics and the importance of RNA and DNA, which is mostly review from past Genetics and Microbiology classes I've taken in the past. I'm also taking my Psychology Capstone right now, which is 3 hours long once a week (!!!) and we read 6 articles each week to discuss in class. One interesting thing I learned in that class is that John Watson wasn't able to work in psychology after he was caught having an affair with his RA Rosalie, so he worked in advertising for the rest of his life. I'm also taking Medical Spanish, which I have very mixed feelings about. I've only been taking Spanish for 2 years, so I feel a little in over my head since a lot of students are either native speakers or they have learned Spanish since middle/high school. I'm hoping I grow more comfortable in the class as the semester progresses. I'm hoping to improve my Spanish skills as I improve my grammar skills and practice speaking Spanish with more people, especially in a healthcare setting. I want to be a PA in the future, so I think knowing another language could be beneficial for me. I'm hoping for the best in my last semester and that I get to spend more time with people I care about before it gets harder in the future. I'm also hoping to volunteer more since I have some more free time since it's something that I've neglected in a while.

Molecular Bio: DNA Double Helix


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