Time Strategies

I think learning time management is an important skill to learn is important because a lot of college students, including me, fall victim to procrastination or poor time management. In college, there's always a constant flow of homework, extracurricular activities, tests, and projects, so sometimes it's hard to prioritize what tasks are most important. As Tim Grahl says in The Myth of "Too Busy", we often think that we're too busy to accomplish our important tasks throughout the day, but many people spend a lot of unnecessary time on social media. As a result, Tim suggests that we ruthlessly cut the unnecessary stuff out of our lives by making a schedule with what we "have" to do first, then adding what we "need" to, then fill any leftover time with hobbies. Another problem that I and other college students struggle with is making a realistic study plan. We often underestimate the time it takes to study, complete an assignment, or write an essay, so we keep pushing our priorities until later. However, we have the control to change these habits For example, in "How to Build a Realistic Study Plan that You'll Actually Stick To" by Amanda Collins, she suggests to create a checklist of your goals and using a weekly study planner so you can see them. This creates accountability and you can plan a detailed study schedule in a planner too. I use a planner for my classes and it helps me stay organized because it helps me prioritize which tasks are important for me to accomplish in the day and I can see what I should expect throughout the week. I have a lot of reading and writing to do for my classes this semester, so using a planner and seeing a physical schedule with dedicated time for my homework and other things will help me stay on task. I think the personalized study schedule for this class will help me too so I can figure out how much time I need to carve out each day to finish my work for this class.


  1. Your comment about spending too much unnecessary time on social media really hit home for me. The other day I happened to look up the average amount of time I spend on instagram and it was almost two hours. That was a huge wake up call, because I didn't realise I spend so much time just mindlessly scrolling through memes on there when I could be doing something so much more productive with my time.


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