Week 2 Reading Overview

For the Ramayana, I chose the PDE Ramayana online version to read because it has a lot of illustrations, notes, and links. It also has audio too, which I think can make the reading experience more fun and it'll allow me to understand the storied better. By having the stories online, it'll be easier for me to access and read the stories too.

For the comic books, I was interested in learning more about Indra and Sachi and Rama. I was interested in Indra and Shachi because it details a story of revenge and deceit. Indra also seems like a complex character I would be interested in learning about too. I was also interested in Rama because Rama is a brave, skilled archer, so I know his story would chronicle an epic adventure too. His story also reminds me of a super hero story, which means that there will be a lot of drama and action within the story too. 

For the videos, I was interested in the Moksha video and the Harry Potter Meets Hindu Mythology videos. I was interested in the Moksha video because I was interested to see how Indian mythology and culture views the cycle of life and death since it is very different from Western culture. The beautiful drawings and the soothing narration attracted my attention and I liked that the video was also educational. The Harry Potter and Hindu Mythology video because I adore Harry Potter and the video explained how many stories from Indian mythology and Harry Potter share dynamic characters and plot elements that follow a hero's journey.

For my chosen image, I chose the Happy Reign, because the colors from the picture popped off the page. It caught my attention because the bold colors signified the happiness of Rama and his ancestors. It also felt relevant to choose this image since we're reading from the Ramayana this week too. 


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