Review: Week 3

For part 1, everything that I write is backed up on my Google Drive and I have a separate "Epics of India" folder for my stories, reading notes, etc.

For part 2, I finished all of the declarations for reading notes A and B, my story, my topic research, and I commented on 2 of my classmates' blogs (their intros and their week 2 stories). I also did my Feedback Strategies post. I also completed some extra credit. I decided to do extra commenting, tech tips on Creative Commons Licensing, a Listening by HEART post about empathy, Famous Last Words, and this Review.

For part 3, I watched the Crash Course Noah's Ark video. I'm somewhat familiar with the tale of Noah's Ark tale, but I was surprised that the story from the Bible wasn't the whole or only story. One picture that also caught my attention was Molly Hahn's picture "No Rush". The picture is very cute with the little baby and elephant floating in the river, and it's a reminder that we often forget. Life goes so quickly, that we often forget to slow down and enjoy life.

Molly Hahn's No Rush 
Source: Buddha Doodles


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