Week 8 Progress

Looking back on the progress chart,  I am happy with my progress so far. I have 290 points so far, which means I'm about 2 weeks ahead. I've been completing all of the assignments and doing some extra credit each week. There aren't any changes I would make to the second half of the semester. My initial schedule didn't work out, but I adapted and found a schedule that works for me. I do my assignments little by little, then do the extra credit at the end of the week. I might want to change the layout of the blog or storybook to make it less confusing, but I'll have to look up how to do it properly. 

I chose this picture of Jenna Marble's dogs for motivation because I love them and her videos make me happy. 
Peach Giving Marbles a Kiss :') 
Source: Jenna Marbles


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